Dr. Gregory Davidson

Vice President

Illinois Naprapathic Association

What is Naprapathy?

Experience the Difference!

Naprapathic treatment uses manual techniques to gently stretch contracted ligaments, muscles and other soft tissues to relieve pain and mobilize the joints. No hard thrusts causing discomfort are used. Nutritional counseling including foods and supplements is also provided if requested.


Relief of back, neck and joint pain through gentle manipulation of your ligaments (tissues that hold your joints together), muscles and connective tissues is my specialty. No hard thrusts or twists causing discomfort are used. Lasting results are achieved by these methods. Some insurances are accepted.

The Illinois Naprapathic Act:

"Naprapathic practice includes, but is not limited to, the treatment of contractures, muscle spasms, inflammation, scar tissue formation, adhesions, lesions, laxity, hypotonicity, rigidity, structureal imbalance, bruising, contusions, muscular atrophy and partial separation of connective tissue."

Now using Deep Tissue Cold Laser

New ways to treat Acute and Chronic injuries and conditions with Low  Level Laser Therapy


In addition to hands-on therapies, ultra sound, electric muscle stimulation, hot/cold packs, flexion/distraction are used as the patient's conditions calls for.


Spinal decompression therapy is a well known treatment for herniated or bulging discs. 


  •  dropping intradiscal pressure
  •  reduces pressure on the spinal nerves
  • widening the spinal canal foraminal areas
  •  returning motion to the spinal joints


  • Reduces muscle spams and pain using deep heat.


  • Sound waves produce deep heat into soft tissues, to heal musculoskeletal problems like inflammation from injuries (sprains, tendinitis, bursitis). 


SCENAR treatment stimulates the body’s own healing powers by emitting an electromagnetic signal which is almost identical to the human nerve signal and is a non-invasive biofeedback device.

HOT or COLD Packs

Used in conjunction with Electric Stim machine Heat can increase blood flow and help restore movement to injured tissue. Warmth can also reduce joint stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms.

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Dr. Gregory Davidson, Naprapath

9045 N. Keeler Ave., Skokie, IL 60076

(847) 224-9300


 By appointment